| LSolidColorView (LView *parent=nullptr) noexcept |
| Construct a solid color view as a child of another view.
| LSolidColorView (Float32 r=0.f, Float32 g=0.f, Float32 b=0.f, Float32 a=1.f, LView *parent=nullptr) noexcept |
| Construct a solid color view with the specified color components and alpha.
| LSolidColorView (const LRGBF &color, Float32 a=1.f, LView *parent=nullptr) noexcept |
| Construct a solid color view with the specified color and alpha.
| ~LSolidColorView () noexcept |
| Destructor for the solid color view.
void | setColor (const LRGBF &color) noexcept |
| Set the color of the solid color view.
const LRGBF & | color () const noexcept |
| Gets the current color of the solid color view.
void | setPos (const LPoint &pos) noexcept |
| Set the position of the solid color view.
void | setPos (Int32 x, Int32 y) noexcept |
| Set the position of the solid color view using individual X and Y coordinates.
void | setSize (const LSize &size) noexcept |
| Set the size of the solid color view.
void | setSize (Int32 w, Int32 h) noexcept |
| Set the size of the solid color view using width and height values.
void | setInputRegion (const LRegion *region) noexcept |
| Set the input region for the solid color view.
virtual bool | nativeMapped () const noexcept override |
| Tells whether the view should be rendered.
virtual const LPoint & | nativePos () const noexcept override |
| Gets the position of the view without any transformations applied.
virtual const LSize & | nativeSize () const noexcept override |
| Gets the size of the view without any transformations applied.
virtual Float32 | bufferScale () const noexcept override |
| Gets the scale of the view buffer content.
virtual void | enteredOutput (LOutput *output) noexcept override |
| Notifies that portion of the view is visible on the given output.
virtual void | leftOutput (LOutput *output) noexcept override |
| Notifies that the view is no longer visible on the given output.
virtual const std::vector< LOutput * > & | outputs () const noexcept override |
| Gets a vector of output pointers on which the view is currently visible.
virtual void | requestNextFrame (LOutput *output) noexcept override |
| Notifies that the view has been rendered on the given output.
virtual const LRegion * | damage () const noexcept override |
| Gets the region within the view rect that needs to be repainted.
virtual const LRegion * | translucentRegion () const noexcept override |
| Gets the current translucent region.
virtual const LRegion * | opaqueRegion () const noexcept override |
| Gets the current opaque region.
virtual const LRegion * | inputRegion () const noexcept override |
| Gets the current input region.
virtual void | paintEvent (const PaintEventParams ¶ms) noexcept override |
| Requests to paint a region of the view to the current framebuffer.
| LView (UInt32 type, bool renderable, LView *parent) noexcept |
| Construct an LView object.
| ~LView () noexcept |
| Destructor for the LView class.
void | enablePointerEvents (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles pointer events.
bool | pointerEventsEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if pointer events are enabled.
bool | pointerIsOver () const noexcept |
| Checks if the view has pointer focus.
void | enableBlockPointer (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles blocking pointer events to views behind the view's input region.
bool | blockPointerEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if blocking of pointer events is enabled.
void | enableKeyboardEvents (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles keyboard events.
bool | keyboardEventsEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if keyboard events are enabled.
void | enableTouchEvents (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles touch events.
bool | touchEventsEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if touch events are enabled.
void | enableBlockTouch (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles blocking touch events to views behind the view's input region.
bool | blockTouchEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if blocking of touch events to views behind the view's input region is enabled.
void | damageAll () noexcept |
| Forces a complete repaint of the view in the next rendering frame.
LScene * | scene () const noexcept |
| Gets the scene in which this view is currently embedded.
bool | isLScene () const noexcept |
| Checks if the view is an LScene::mainView().
LSceneView * | parentSceneView () const noexcept |
| Gets the closest parent LSceneView.
UInt32 | type () const noexcept |
| Gets the identifier for the type of view.
bool | isRenderable () const noexcept |
| Checks if the view is renderable.
void | repaint () const noexcept |
| Schedules a repaint for all outputs where this view is currently visible.
LView * | parent () const noexcept |
| Gets the parent of the view.
void | setParent (LView *view) noexcept |
| Sets the new parent for the view and insert it at the end of its children list.
void | insertAfter (LView *prev) noexcept |
| Inserts the view after the specified 'prev' view.
const std::list< LView * > & | children () const noexcept |
| Children views.
void | enableParentOffset (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles the parent position offset.
bool | parentOffsetEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if pos() includes the parent's position.
const LPoint & | pos () const noexcept |
| Gets the current position of the view with applied transformations.
const LSize & | size () const noexcept |
| Gets the current size of the view with applied transformations.
void | enableClipping (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles the use of the clippingRect() property.
bool | clippingEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if the view is currently being clipped to the clippingRect() property.
void | setClippingRect (const LRect &rect) noexcept |
| Sets a custom clipping rect.
const LRect & | clippingRect () const noexcept |
| Gets the clipping rect set with setClippingRect().
void | enableParentClipping (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles parent clipping.
bool | parentClippingEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if the view is clipped to the parent view rect.
void | enableScaling (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles the use of the scalingVector().
bool | scalingEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if the scalingVector() is enabled.
void | setScalingVector (const LSizeF &scalingVector) noexcept |
| Sets the scalingVector() property.
const LSizeF & | scalingVector (bool forceIgnoreParent=false) const noexcept |
| Gets the scaling vector.
void | enableParentScaling (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles the scaling of size and position by the parent's scaling vector.
bool | parentScalingEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if the size and position are scaled by the parent's scalingVector().
void | setVisible (bool visible) noexcept |
| Toggles the view visibility.
bool | visible () const noexcept |
| Checks if the view is marked as visible.
bool | mapped () const noexcept |
| Checks if the view should be rendered, taking into consideration several conditions.
void | setOpacity (Float32 opacity) noexcept |
| Set the view opacity.
Float32 | opacity (bool forceIgnoreParent=false) const noexcept |
| Gets the view opacity.
void | enableParentOpacity (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles the use of the parent's opacity.
bool | parentOpacityEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if the view's opacity is multiplied by its parent's opacity.
void | enableForceRequestNextFrame (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles forcing triggering the requestNextFrame() event.
bool | forceRequestNextFrameEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks if forcing requestNextFrame() is enabled.
void | setBlendFunc (const LBlendFunc &blendFunc) noexcept |
| Sets a custom alpha/color blending function for the view.
const LBlendFunc & | blendFunc () const noexcept |
| Gets the blending function set with setBlendFunc().
void | enableAutoBlendFunc (bool enabled) noexcept |
| Toggles the automatic blend function adjustment.
bool | autoBlendFuncEnabled () const noexcept |
| Checks whether the automatic blend function adjustment is enabled.
void | setColorFactor (const LRGBAF &colorFactor) noexcept |
| Set the color factor.
const LRGBAF & | colorFactor () const noexcept |
| Gets the color factor.
LBox | boundingBox () const noexcept |
| Gets the bounding box of the view and all its mapped children.
virtual void | pointerEnterEvent (const LPointerEnterEvent &event) |
| Handles a pointer enter event within the view.
virtual void | pointerMoveEvent (const LPointerMoveEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer move event within the view.
virtual void | pointerLeaveEvent (const LPointerLeaveEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer leave event within the view.
virtual void | pointerButtonEvent (const LPointerButtonEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer button event within the view.
virtual void | pointerScrollEvent (const LPointerScrollEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer scroll event within the view.
virtual void | pointerSwipeBeginEvent (const LPointerSwipeBeginEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer swipe begin event within the view.
virtual void | pointerSwipeUpdateEvent (const LPointerSwipeUpdateEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer swipe update event within the view.
virtual void | pointerSwipeEndEvent (const LPointerSwipeEndEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer swipe end event within the view.
virtual void | pointerPinchBeginEvent (const LPointerPinchBeginEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer pinch begin event within the view.
virtual void | pointerPinchUpdateEvent (const LPointerPinchUpdateEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer pinch update event within the view.
virtual void | pointerPinchEndEvent (const LPointerPinchEndEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer pinch end event within the view.
virtual void | pointerHoldBeginEvent (const LPointerHoldBeginEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer hold begin event within the view.
virtual void | pointerHoldEndEvent (const LPointerHoldEndEvent &event) |
| Handle a pointer hold end event within the view.
virtual void | keyEvent (const LKeyboardKeyEvent &event) |
| Handle the key event within the view.
virtual void | touchDownEvent (const LTouchDownEvent &event) |
| Handle a touch down event within the view.
virtual void | touchMoveEvent (const LTouchMoveEvent &event) |
| Handle a touch move event within the view.
virtual void | touchUpEvent (const LTouchUpEvent &event) |
| Handle a touch up event within the view.
virtual void | touchFrameEvent (const LTouchFrameEvent &event) |
| Handle a touch frame event within the view.
virtual void | touchCancelEvent (const LTouchCancelEvent &event) |
| Handle a touch cancel event within the view.
| LObject (const LObject &) noexcept |
| Copy constructor.
LObject & | operator= (const LObject &) noexcept |
| Assignment operator (each object has its own individual LWeak reference count).
void | setUserData (UIntPtr data) const noexcept |
| Store an unsigned integer value/pointer.
UIntPtr | userData () const noexcept |
| Retrieves the stored unsigned integer value/pointer.