Louvre  v2.9.0-1
C++ library for Wayland compositors
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LToplevelRole Class Reference

Toplevel role for surfaces. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for LToplevelRole:


struct  Atoms
 Atomic properties. More...
struct  Configuration
 Configuration parameters sent to the client. More...

Public Types

enum  State : UInt16
 Flags indicating the possible states of a Toplevel. More...
enum  DecorationMode : UInt32
 Decoration mode. More...
enum  AtomChanges : UInt32
 Flags indicating which atomic properties have changed during an atomsChanged() event. More...
enum  Capabilities : UInt8
 Compositor capabilities flags. More...
- Public Types inherited from LBaseSurfaceRole
enum  CommitOrigin
 Commit origin. More...
- Public Types inherited from LFactoryObject
enum class  Type : Int32
 Base factory object types. More...

Public Member Functions

 LToplevelRole (const void *params) noexcept
 Constructor of the LToplevelRole class. More...
 ~LToplevelRole ()=default
 Destructor of the LToplevelRole class. More...
const ConfigurationfindConfiguration (UInt32 serial) const noexcept
 Find configuration by serial number. More...
const ConfigurationpendingConfiguration () const noexcept
 Pending configuration. More...
void configureState (LBitset< State > flags) noexcept
 Configure the toplevel state. More...
void configureSize (const LSize &size) noexcept
 Configure the toplevel size. More...
void configureSize (Int32 width, Int32 height) noexcept
 Configure the toplevel size. More...
void configureDecorationMode (DecorationMode mode) noexcept
 Configure the toplevel decoration mode. More...
void configureCapabilities (LBitset< Capabilities > caps) noexcept
 Notifies the toplevel about the compositor's capabilities. More...
void configureBounds (const LSize &bounds) noexcept
 Asks the client to constrain its size to the specified bounds. More...
void configureBounds (Int32 width, Int32 height) noexcept
 Asks the client to constrain its size to the specified bounds. More...
const Atomsatoms () const noexcept
 Current atomic properties. More...
LBitset< Statestate () const noexcept
 Current toplevel state. More...
LBitset< StatesupportedStates () const noexcept
 Returns the states supported by the toplevel. More...
bool activated () const noexcept
 Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Activated flag. More...
bool maximized () const noexcept
 Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Maximized flag. More...
bool fullscreen () const noexcept
 Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Fullscreen flag. More...
bool tiled () const noexcept
 Checks if the toplevel state() includes any of the tiled flags. More...
bool resizing () const noexcept
 Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Resizing flag. More...
bool suspended () const noexcept
 Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Suspended flag. More...
const LRectwindowGeometry () const noexcept
 Window geometry in surface coordinates. More...
void setExtraGeometry (const LMargins &margins) noexcept
 Sets extra geometry margins. More...
const LMarginsextraGeometry () const noexcept
 Extra geometry margins. More...
const LSizeminSize () const noexcept
 Gets the minimum size of the toplevel in surface coordinates. More...
const LSizemaxSize () const noexcept
 Gets the maximum size of the toplevel in surface coordinates. More...
bool sizeInRange (const LSize &size) const noexcept
 Check if the provided size falls within the range defined by minSize() and maxSize(). More...
LMargins calculateConstraintsFromOutput (LOutput *output, bool includeExtraGeometry=true) const noexcept
 Constraints during move/resize sessions. More...
const LSizebounds () const noexcept
 Current bounds. More...
LBitset< Capabilitiescapabilities () const noexcept
 Current capabilities. More...
DecorationMode decorationMode () const noexcept
 The current decoration mode. More...
DecorationMode preferredDecorationMode () const noexcept
 Gets the preferred decoration mode set by the client. More...
bool supportServerSideDecorations () const noexcept
 Check if the toplevel supports server-side decorations. More...
UInt32 serial () const noexcept
 Last configuration serial ACK by the client. More...
void setExclusiveOutput (LOutput *output) noexcept
 Sets the exclusive output hint. More...
virtual LOutputexclusiveOutput () const override
 Exclusive output hint. More...
LToplevelMoveSessionmoveSession () const noexcept
 Utility for handling interactive moving sessions. More...
LToplevelResizeSessionresizeSession () const noexcept
 Utility for handling interactive resizing sessions. More...
Protocols::XdgShell::RXdgToplevel * xdgToplevelResource () const
 xdg_toplevel resource from the XDG Shell protocol. More...
Protocols::XdgShell::RXdgSurface * xdgSurfaceResource () const
 xdg_surface resource from the XDG Shell protocol. More...
const std::string & appId () const noexcept
 Gets the application ID associated with the toplevel window. More...
const std::string & title () const noexcept
 Gets the window title of the toplevel. More...
void close () noexcept
 Closes the toplevel. More...
const std::vector< LForeignToplevelController * > & foreignControllers () const noexcept
 Vector of foreign controllers. More...
LForeignToplevelControllerrequesterController () const noexcept
 LForeignToplevelController triggering a request. More...
const std::vector< Protocols::ForeignToplevelList::RForeignToplevelHandle * > foreignHandles () const noexcept
 Vector of foreign handles. More...
const std::string & foreignToplevelListIdentifier () const noexcept
 ID used by foreign clients to identify the toplevel. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LBaseSurfaceRole
 LBaseSurfaceRole (LFactoryObject::Type type, LResource *resource, LSurface *surface, UInt32 roleId) noexcept
 Constructor of LBaseSurfaceRole class. More...
 ~LBaseSurfaceRole ()
 The LBaseSurfaceRole class destructor. More...
UInt32 roleId () const noexcept
 Role ID. More...
LSurfacesurface () const noexcept
 Returns the surface that has acquired the role provided in the constructor. More...
LResourceresource () const
 Returns the Wayland resource for this role given in the constructor. More...
LClientclient () const noexcept
 Client owner of the surface role. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LFactoryObject
Type factoryObjectType () const noexcept
 Gets the base factory object type. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LObject
 LObject (const LObject &) noexcept
 Copy constructor. More...
LObjectoperator= (const LObject &) noexcept
 Assignment operator (each object has its own individual LWeak reference count). More...
void setUserData (UIntPtr data) const noexcept
 Store an unsigned integer value/pointer. More...
UIntPtr userData () const noexcept
 Retrieves the stored unsigned integer value/pointer. More...

Public Attributes

LRect prevRect
 Auxiliary previous rect. More...

Virtual Methods

virtual const LPointrolePos () const override
 Position of the surface according to the role. More...
virtual void configureRequest ()
 Configuration request. More...
virtual void atomsChanged (LBitset< AtomChanges > changes, const Atoms &prevAtoms)
 Notifies a change in atomic properties. More...
virtual void startMoveRequest (const LEvent &triggeringEvent)
 Client request to initiate an interactive move session. More...
virtual void startResizeRequest (const LEvent &triggeringEvent, LBitset< LEdge > edge)
 Client request to initiate an interactive resize session. More...
virtual void activateRequest ()
 Request to activate. More...
virtual void setMaximizedRequest ()
 Request to maximize. More...
virtual void unsetMaximizedRequest ()
 Request to unmaximize. More...
virtual void setFullscreenRequest (LOutput *destOutput)
 Request to set fullscreen mode. More...
virtual void unsetFullscreenRequest ()
 Request to unset fullscreen mode. More...
virtual void setMinimizedRequest ()
 Minimize request. More...
virtual void unsetMinimizedRequest ()
 Unminimize request. More...
virtual void closeRequest ()
 Close request. More...
virtual bool foreignControllerFilter (Protocols::ForeignToplevelManagement::GForeignToplevelManager *manager)
 Foreign toplevel controller filter. More...
virtual bool foreignHandleFilter (Protocols::ForeignToplevelList::GForeignToplevelList *foreignList)
 Filter for foreign toplevel handle requests. More...
virtual void showWindowMenuRequest (const LEvent &triggeringEvent, Int32 x, Int32 y)
 Show window menu request. More...
virtual void titleChanged ()
 Notifies a change in the title string. More...
virtual void appIdChanged ()
 Notifies a change in the App ID string. More...
virtual void preferredDecorationModeChanged ()
 Notifies the client has changed its preferred decoration mode. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from LBaseSurfaceRole
virtual bool acceptCommitRequest (CommitOrigin origin)
 Asks if the surface commit should be processed. More...
virtual void handleSurfaceBufferAttach (wl_resource *buffer, Int32 x, Int32 y)
 Notifies a new surface buffer attachment. More...
virtual void handleSurfaceOffset (Int32 x, Int32 y)
 Notifies a surface buffer offset change. More...
virtual void handleParentCommit ()
 Notifies a parent surface commit. More...
virtual void handleParentMappingChange ()
 Notifies when the mapping state of the parent surface changes. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from LObject
 LObject () noexcept=default
 Constructor of the LObject class. More...
virtual ~LObject () noexcept
 Destructor of the LObject class. More...
void notifyDestruction () noexcept
 Notifies the object destruction. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from LBaseSurfaceRole
LPoint m_rolePos
 Variable that stores the surface position given the role. More...

Detailed Description

Toplevel role for surfaces.

The toplevel surface role represents typical desktop windows that usually have a title and buttons to close, minimize, and maximize.

The toplevel role is part of the XDG Shell protocol.

The Wayland protocol also provides its own toplevel role but it is considered obsolete and therefore not included in Louvre.


When a client wants to map an LToplevelRole surface, it triggers a configureRequest(), where the compositor is expected to define the size, state, bounds, and other properties of the toplevel using different configure methods, such as configureSize(), configureState(), configureBounds(), etc.

The configuration is not applied immediately, the compositor must wait for the client to ACK the changes through the atomsChanged() event which is also triggered whenever one or more properties of the atoms() struct change, allowing to access previous values as well.

The compositor can configure any parameters at any time, but should always wait for the atomsChanged() event to detect when they are actually applied.

State Change Requests

Depending on the flags set with configureCapabilities(), clients can request to minimize or change the state() of the toplevel to Maximized or Fullscreen through setMinimizedRequest(), set / unsetMaximizedRequest() and set / unsetFullscreenRequest(). The compositor is then expected to minimize or properly configure the state and size, but it's free to ignore the requests if desired.

Minimized is not a toplevel State and can be applied immediately.

Foreign Toplevel Controllers and XDG Activation Tokens

Requests, including those previously mentioned as well as unsetMinimizedRequest(), activateRequest(), and closeRequest(), can be triggered by external clients through the Wlr Foreign Toplevel Management and the XDG Activation protocols. For a comprehensive understanding of this functionality, please refer to the LForeignToplevelController and LActivationTokenManager classes documentation.

Interactive Sessions

Clients can request to start interactive move and resize sessions through startMoveRequest() and startResizeRequest(). To properly handle such requests, each toplevel has an auxiliary moveSession() and resizeSession() which can handle the request for you and constrain the toplevel to the available geometry of outputs (LOutput::availableGeometry()) or to custom constraints specified by you. These are simply auxiliary and you are free to not use them if desired.


By default, all clients draw their own decorations on the toplevel surface, such as shadows, and the windowGeometry() property indicates which part of the surface are decorations and which are the actual window content.

Some clients also supportServerSideDecorations() (SSD). To enable SSD, the compositor must send a configureDecorationMode() with the ServerSide value.
When the decorationMode() changes to ServerSide, the client does not draw any decorations, and the windowGeometry() equals the entire surface size.
If the compositor draws additional elements that are meant to be part of the geometry (such as a title bar), the setExtraGeometry() method can be employed, which allows for proper positioning of the toplevel and constraining it during interactive sessions.


The toplevel position can be set with LSurface::setPos(). The default implementation of rolePos() then returns the given position minus the decoration part of windowGeometry() and adds the top and left margins of extraGeometry().

Class Documentation

◆ Louvre::LToplevelRole::Atoms

struct Louvre::LToplevelRole::Atoms

Atomic properties.

This struct contains all LToplevelRole properties that should be handled simultaneously during an atomsChanged() event.

See also
Class Members
LBitset< State > state LToplevelRole::state()
LRect windowGeometry LToplevelRole::windowGeometry()
LSize minSize LToplevelRole::minSize()
LSize maxSize LToplevelRole::maxSize()
LSize bounds LToplevelRole::bounds()
LBitset< Capabilities > capabilities LToplevelRole::capabilities()
DecorationMode decorationMode LToplevelRole::decorationMode()
UInt32 serial LToplevelRole::serial()

◆ Louvre::LToplevelRole::Configuration

struct Louvre::LToplevelRole::Configuration

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ State

enum State : UInt16

Flags indicating the possible states of a Toplevel.


No state.




Fullscreen mode.


In interactive resizing.


Activated (its decorations stand out from others)

Only a single toplevel can be activated at a time.
This is automatically handled by Louvre.

See also

Tiled left (since 2)


Tiled right (since 2)


Tiled top (since 2)


Tiled bottom (since 2)


Suspended (since 6)

◆ DecorationMode

Decoration mode.


The client has no preferred mode.


Decorations are drawn by the client.


Decorations are drawn by the compositor.

◆ AtomChanges

Flags indicating which atomic properties have changed during an atomsChanged() event.

See also

Indicates windowGeometry() changed.


Indicates minSize() changed.


Indicates maxSize() changed.


Indicates state() changed.


Indicates bounds() changed.


Indicates capabilities() changed.


Indicates decorationMode() changed.


Indicates serial() changed.

◆ Capabilities

Compositor capabilities flags.

Flags indicating supported compositor features, notified to the client through the configureCapabilities() method.


When set, the toplevel can trigger showWindowMenuRequest().


When set, the toplevel can trigger setMaximizedRequest() and unsetMaximizedRequest().


When set, the toplevel can trigger setFullscreenRequest() and unsetFullscreenRequest().


When set, the toplevel can trigger setMinimizedRequest().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LToplevelRole()

LToplevelRole ( const void *  params)

Constructor of the LToplevelRole class.

paramsInternal parameters provided in LCompositor::createObjectRequest().

◆ ~LToplevelRole()

~LToplevelRole ( )

Destructor of the LToplevelRole class.

Invoked after LCompositor::onAnticipatedObjectDestruction().

Member Function Documentation

◆ findConfiguration()

const LToplevelRole::Configuration * findConfiguration ( UInt32  serial) const

Find configuration by serial number.

The returned configuration must not be deleted.
A pointer to the configuration if found, otherwise nullptr.

◆ pendingConfiguration()

const Configuration& pendingConfiguration ( ) const

Pending configuration.

This struct holds the last configuration parameters assigned with configureState(), configureSize(), configureBounds(), etc.

The pending configuration parameters are sent to the client once per Louvre main loop iteration only if one of the configure variants was called.

The pending serial is updated at most once per loop iteration if a configure was done.

If the pending configuration serial is equal to serial() it means the last configuration was ACK by the client and there is no pending configuration.

See also
atomsChanged() to detect when the serial and other parameters change.

◆ configureState()

void configureState ( LBitset< State flags)

Configure the toplevel state.

Asks the client to configure the toplevel with the given states and stores the flags in pendingConfiguration().
The state is not applied immediately, see atomsChanged() and state().

A client may not support all states, in such cases unsupported states are filtered out. See supportedStates().
flagsThe state flags to set.

◆ configureSize() [1/2]

void configureSize ( const LSize size)

Configure the toplevel size.

Asks the client to configure the toplevel with the given size and stores it in pendingConfiguration().
The size is not applied immediately, see atomsChanged() and windowGeometry().

sizeThe size is in surface coordinates and does not include decorations.
If either width or height is 0, the client is free to pick its own size.

◆ configureSize() [2/2]

void configureSize ( Int32  width,
Int32  height 

Configure the toplevel size.

See also

◆ configureDecorationMode()

void configureDecorationMode ( DecorationMode  mode)

Configure the toplevel decoration mode.

Asks the client to configure the toplevel with the given decoration mode and stores it in pendingConfiguration().
The decoration mode is not applied immediately, see atomsChanged() and decorationMode().

The decoration mode is ClientSide by default. If a client doesn't support ServerSide decorations, the configuration mode will fallback to ClientSide. See supportServerSideDecorations().
See also
modeThe decoration mode.

◆ configureCapabilities()

void configureCapabilities ( LBitset< Capabilities caps)

Notifies the toplevel about the compositor's capabilities.

Informs the toplevel which Capabilities are supported by the compositor and stores them in pendingConfiguration().
For example, if the MaximizeCap is not available, clients should hide the maximize button in their decorations. Additionally, requests such as setMaximizedRequest() and unsetMaximizedRequest() will not be triggered.

The capabilities are not applied immediately, see atomsChanged() and capabilities().

All capabilities are enabled by default.

Some poorly behaved clients, such as Firefox, always expect the compositor to obey their requests and freeze when it does not. In such cases, it is better to leave MaximizeCap and FullscreenCap enabled.
capsThe supported Capabilities flags.

◆ configureBounds() [1/2]

void configureBounds ( const LSize bounds)

Asks the client to constrain its size to the specified bounds.

Requests the client to prevent assigning a size to the toplevel surface larger than the given bounds, for example, to prevent exceeding the available geometry of an output.

The bounds are stored in pendingConfiguration() and not applied immediately, see atomsChanged() and bounds().

This is merely a suggestion, clients are free to ignore it.
boundsThe suggested maximum size. Setting a component to 0 disables the constraint for that component.

◆ configureBounds() [2/2]

void configureBounds ( Int32  width,
Int32  height 

Asks the client to constrain its size to the specified bounds.

See also

◆ atoms()

const Atoms& atoms ( ) const

Current atomic properties.

This struct contains all the current toplevel atomic properties, which are updated each time atomsChanged() is triggered.

The current properties can also be accessed via aliases such as windowGeometry(), state(), bounds(), etc.

◆ state()

LBitset<State> state ( ) const

Current toplevel state.

Flags representing the current toplevel State.

The state flags can also be checked via aliases such as activated(), maximized(), fullscreen(), etc.

See also
This is an alias for Atoms::state.

◆ supportedStates()

LBitset<State> supportedStates ( ) const

Returns the states supported by the toplevel.

A bitset representing the supported states.

◆ activated()

bool activated ( ) const

Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Activated flag.

true if the flag is present, false otherwise.

◆ maximized()

bool maximized ( ) const

Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Maximized flag.

true if the flag is present, false otherwise.

◆ fullscreen()

bool fullscreen ( ) const

Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Fullscreen flag.

true if the flag is present, false otherwise.

◆ tiled()

bool tiled ( ) const

Checks if the toplevel state() includes any of the tiled flags.

true if any tiled flag is present, false otherwise.

◆ resizing()

bool resizing ( ) const

Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Resizing flag.

true if the flag is present, false otherwise.

◆ suspended()

bool suspended ( ) const

Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Suspended flag.

true if the flag is present, false otherwise.

◆ windowGeometry()

const LRect& windowGeometry ( ) const

Window geometry in surface coordinates.

The window geometry is a rect within the toplevel's surface that excludes its decorations (typically shadows).

This is an alias for Atoms::windowGeometry.

◆ setExtraGeometry()

void setExtraGeometry ( const LMargins margins)

Sets extra geometry margins.

This optional method allows you to modify the extraGeometry() property, providing additional margins for each toplevel edge to be considered part of the geometry. For example, when using server-side decorations, the compositor could draw a custom title bar or borders that are not part of the client surfaces. This method allows you to define those sizes and avoids the need to override rolePos(), the move and resizing constraints, and other default implementations such as LOutput::geometryChanged().

This does not affect the windowGeometry() property and the functioning of configureSize().
See also
marginsLeft, top, right, bottom margins.

◆ extraGeometry()

const LMargins& extraGeometry ( ) const

Extra geometry margins.

Set to (0,0,0,0) by default.

See also

◆ minSize()

const LSize& minSize ( ) const

Gets the minimum size of the toplevel in surface coordinates.

Components with a value of 0 indicate the limit is disabled.

◆ maxSize()

const LSize& maxSize ( ) const

Gets the maximum size of the toplevel in surface coordinates.

Components with a value of 0 indicate the limit is disabled.

◆ sizeInRange()

bool sizeInRange ( const LSize size) const

Check if the provided size falls within the range defined by minSize() and maxSize().

sizeThe size to be checked.
true if the size is within the specified range, false otherwise.

◆ calculateConstraintsFromOutput()

LMargins calculateConstraintsFromOutput ( LOutput output,
bool  includeExtraGeometry = true 
) const

Constraints during move/resize sessions.

Returns the left, top, right, and bottom constraints in global-compositor coordinates during a moveSession() and resizeSession() so that the toplevel stays within the given LOutput::availableGeometry(). See LToplevelMoveSession::setConstraints() and LToplevelResizeSession::setConstraints()

includeExtraGeometryIf true, extraGeometry() is considered.

◆ bounds()

const LSize& bounds ( ) const

Current bounds.

Suggested size constraints, notified to the client via configureBounds().

This is an alias for Atoms::bounds.

◆ capabilities()

LBitset<Capabilities> capabilities ( ) const

Current capabilities.

Flags representing the Capabilities supported by the compositor, as notified to the client via configureCapabilities().

This is an alias for Atoms::capabilities.

◆ decorationMode()

DecorationMode decorationMode ( ) const

The current decoration mode.

See also
This is an alias for Atoms::decorationMode.

◆ preferredDecorationMode()

DecorationMode preferredDecorationMode ( ) const

Gets the preferred decoration mode set by the client.

The preferred decoration mode value.

◆ supportServerSideDecorations()

bool supportServerSideDecorations ( ) const

Check if the toplevel supports server-side decorations.

◆ serial()

UInt32 serial ( ) const

Last configuration serial ACK by the client.

See also
This is an alias for Atoms::serial.

◆ setExclusiveOutput()

void setExclusiveOutput ( LOutput output)

Sets the exclusive output hint.

This is an optional hint that can be used to keep a reference of in which LOutput a toplevel is positioned while maximized or in fullscreen mode.

The default implementation of LOutput::paintGL() uses this information to prevent displaying the given toplevel on other outputs.

See also
outputThe given output or nullptr to unset.

◆ exclusiveOutput()

virtual LOutput* exclusiveOutput ( ) const

Exclusive output hint.

Returns the exclusive output hint set with setExclusiveOutput(), or nullptr if unset.

Reimplemented from LBaseSurfaceRole.

◆ moveSession()

LToplevelMoveSession& moveSession ( ) const

Utility for handling interactive moving sessions.

See also

◆ resizeSession()

LToplevelResizeSession& resizeSession ( ) const

Utility for handling interactive resizing sessions.

See also

◆ xdgToplevelResource()

RXdgToplevel * xdgToplevelResource ( ) const

xdg_toplevel resource from the XDG Shell protocol.

◆ xdgSurfaceResource()

RXdgSurface * xdgSurfaceResource ( ) const

xdg_surface resource from the XDG Shell protocol.

◆ appId()

const std::string& appId ( ) const

Gets the application ID associated with the toplevel window.

See also
A string containing the application ID (e.g., "org.cuarzosoftware.Desk").

◆ title()

const std::string& title ( ) const

Gets the window title of the toplevel.

See also
A string representing the window title.

◆ close()

void close ( )

Closes the toplevel.

Requests the client to close the toplevel (equivalent to pressing the close button on the window).

The client may choose to ignore this request, or show a dialog to ask the user to save their data, etc.

◆ foreignControllers()

const std::vector<LForeignToplevelController*>& foreignControllers ( ) const

Vector of foreign controllers.

See also
The LForeignToplevelController class for more details.

◆ requesterController()

LForeignToplevelController* requesterController ( ) const

LForeignToplevelController triggering a request.

If this method does not return nullptr during a state-changing request, it means it is being triggered by the specified LForeignToplevelController::client().

See also
LForeignToplevelController class for more details.

◆ foreignHandles()

const std::vector<Protocols::ForeignToplevelList::RForeignToplevelHandle*> foreignHandles ( ) const

Vector of foreign handles.

A vector containing all the handles used by foreign clients to identify this toplevel.

See also
foreignHandleFilter() class for more details.

◆ foreignToplevelListIdentifier()

const std::string& foreignToplevelListIdentifier ( ) const

ID used by foreign clients to identify the toplevel.

This ID is used by foreign clients using the Foreign Toplevel List protocol (see foreignHandleFilter() for details).

The string is initially empty and is updated after the toplevel is mapped or re-mapped.

◆ rolePos()

virtual const LPoint& rolePos ( ) const

Position of the surface according to the role.

Override this virtual method if you need to define your own logic for positioning the toplevel.

The default implementation returns the position set with LSurface::setPos() minus the decoration part of windowGeometry() and adds the top and left margins of extraGeometry().

Default Implementation

return m_rolePos;
LSurface * surface() const noexcept
Returns the surface that has acquired the role provided in the constructor.
Definition: LBaseSurfaceRole.h:117
LPoint m_rolePos
Variable that stores the surface position given the role.
Definition: LBaseSurfaceRole.h:144
constexpr const LPointTemplate< T > & topLeft() const noexcept
2D vector given by the (x,y) components of the rectangle
Definition: LRect.h:116
const LPoint & pos() const noexcept
Position given by the compositor.
Definition: LSurface.cpp:319
virtual const LPoint & rolePos() const override
Position of the surface according to the role.
const LRect & windowGeometry() const noexcept
Window geometry in surface coordinates.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:537
const LMargins & extraGeometry() const noexcept
Extra geometry margins.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:570
LPointTemplate< Int32 > LPoint
2D vector of 32 bits integers
Definition: LNamespaces.h:247

Implements LBaseSurfaceRole.

◆ configureRequest()

virtual void configureRequest ( )

Configuration request.

This request is triggered each time the client intends to map the toplevel surface.

Default Implementation

LOutput *output { cursor()->output() };
if (output)
- LSize(extraGeometry().left + extraGeometry().right, extraGeometry().top + extraGeometry().bottom));
LOutput * output() const noexcept
Gets the current cursor output.
Definition: LCursor.cpp:345
void sendOutputEnterEvent(LOutput *output) noexcept
Notify the client when the surface enters an output.
Definition: LSurface.cpp:332
void configureSize(const LSize &size) noexcept
Configure the toplevel size.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:330
const Configuration & pendingConfiguration() const noexcept
Pending configuration.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:299
@ ClientSide
Decorations are drawn by the client.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:134
void configureState(LBitset< State > flags) noexcept
Configure the toplevel state.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:314
virtual void configureRequest()
Configuration request.
void configureCapabilities(LBitset< Capabilities > caps) noexcept
Notifies the toplevel about the compositor's capabilities.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:388
void configureBounds(const LSize &bounds) noexcept
Asks the client to constrain its size to the specified bounds.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:407
@ MinimizeCap
When set, the toplevel can trigger setMinimizedRequest().
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:192
@ WindowMenuCap
When set, the toplevel can trigger showWindowMenuRequest().
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:183
@ FullscreenCap
When set, the toplevel can trigger setFullscreenRequest() and unsetFullscreenRequest().
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:189
@ MaximizeCap
When set, the toplevel can trigger setMaximizedRequest() and unsetMaximizedRequest().
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:186
LBitset< State > state() const noexcept
Current toplevel state.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:449
void configureDecorationMode(DecorationMode mode) noexcept
Configure the toplevel decoration mode.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:361
@ Activated
Activated (its decorations stand out from others)
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:109
LCursor * cursor() noexcept
Gets the compositor's cursor.
Definition: LCompositor.cpp:45
LPoint LSize
2D vector of 32 bits integers
Definition: LNamespaces.h:250

◆ atomsChanged()

virtual void atomsChanged ( LBitset< AtomChanges changes,
const Atoms prevAtoms 

Notifies a change in atomic properties.

This event is triggered each time one or more of the atoms() change.

changesFlags indicating which properties in atoms() have changed.
prevAtomsStructure containing the previous values of atoms().

Default Implementation

void LToplevelRole::atomsChanged(LBitset<AtomChanges> changes, const Atoms &prevAtoms)
if (!changes.check(StateChanged))
const LBitset<State> stateChanges { state() ^ prevAtoms.state };
if (stateChanges.check(Maximized))
if (maximized())
surface()->setPos(exclusiveOutput()->pos() + exclusiveOutput()->availableGeometry().pos());
if (stateChanges.check(Fullscreen))
if (fullscreen())
if (stateChanges.check(Activated) && activated())
constexpr bool check(Flag flags) const noexcept
Check if at least one flag exists.
Definition: LBitset.h:86
constexpr const LPointTemplate< T > & pos() const noexcept
2D vector given by the (x,y) components of the rectangle
Definition: LRect.h:128
void repaintOutputs() noexcept
Repaints the intersected outputs.
Definition: LSurface.cpp:194
void setMinimized(bool state)
Sets the minimized property.
Definition: LSurface.cpp:172
void raise()
Raises the surface within its current layer.
Definition: LSurface.cpp:558
void setPos(const LPoint &newPos) noexcept
Assigns the position.
@ StateChanged
Indicates state() changed.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:159
virtual LOutput * exclusiveOutput() const override
Exclusive output hint.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:708
void setExclusiveOutput(LOutput *output) noexcept
Sets the exclusive output hint.
Definition: LToplevelRole.cpp:56
LRect prevRect
Auxiliary previous rect.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:832
virtual void atomsChanged(LBitset< AtomChanges > changes, const Atoms &prevAtoms)
Notifies a change in atomic properties.
bool fullscreen() const noexcept
Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Fullscreen flag.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:493
bool activated() const noexcept
Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Activated flag.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:473
@ Fullscreen
Fullscreen mode.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:96
@ Maximized
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:93
bool maximized() const noexcept
Checks if the toplevel state() includes the Maximized flag.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:483

◆ startMoveRequest()

virtual void startMoveRequest ( const LEvent triggeringEvent)

Client request to initiate an interactive move session.

The default implementation utilizes the moveSession() utility to handle the session, and ignores it if the toplevel is in Fullscreen mode.

The triggering event helps differentiate whether it is a pointer, touch, or other type of session.

triggeringEventThe event that triggered the move session.
See also

Default Implementation

void LToplevelRole::startMoveRequest(const LEvent &triggeringEvent)
if (fullscreen())
LOutput *activeOutput { cursor()->output() };
if (triggeringEvent.type() == LEvent::Type::Touch)
if (triggeringEvent.subtype() != LEvent::Subtype::Down)
if (!activeOutput)
const LTouchDownEvent& touchDownEvent { static_cast<const LTouchDownEvent&>(triggeringEvent) };
LTouchPoint *touchPoint { seat()->touch()->findTouchPoint(touchDownEvent.id()) };
if (!touchPoint)
if (touchPoint->surface() != surface())
const LPoint initDragPoint { LTouch::toGlobal(activeOutput, touchPoint->pos()) };
moveSession().start(triggeringEvent, initDragPoint);
else if (seat()->pointer()->focus()
&& (surface()->hasPointerFocus()
|| (seat()->pointer()->focus()->subsurface() && seat()->pointer()->focus()->isSubchildOf(surface()))))
moveSession().start(triggeringEvent, cursor()->pos());
@ Touch
Touch event type.
@ Down
Down event subtype.
LTouch * touch() const noexcept
Access to touch events.
Definition: LSeat.h:156
bool start(const LEvent &triggeringEvent, const LPoint &initDragPoint)
Start the move session.
Definition: LToplevelMoveSession.cpp:31
virtual void startMoveRequest(const LEvent &triggeringEvent)
Client request to initiate an interactive move session.
LToplevelMoveSession & moveSession() const noexcept
Utility for handling interactive moving sessions.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:719
static LPointF toGlobal(LOutput *output, const LPointF &touchPointPos) noexcept
Transforms a touch point position to global coordinates.
Definition: LTouch.cpp:55
LTouchPoint * findTouchPoint(Int32 id) const noexcept
Gets the touch point that matches the specified id.
Definition: LTouch.cpp:46
LSeat * seat() noexcept
Gets the compositor's seat.
Definition: LCompositor.cpp:40

◆ startResizeRequest()

virtual void startResizeRequest ( const LEvent triggeringEvent,
LBitset< LEdge edge 

Client request to initiate an interactive resize session.

The default implementation utilizes the resizeSession() utility to handle the session, and ignores it if the toplevel is in Fullscreen mode.

The triggering event helps differentiate whether it is a pointer, touch, or other type of session.

triggeringEventThe event that triggered the resize session.
edgeThe edge or corner being dragged.
See also

Default Implementation

void LToplevelRole::startResizeRequest(const LEvent &triggeringEvent, LBitset<LEdge> edge)
if (fullscreen())
LOutput *activeOutput { cursor()->output() };
if (triggeringEvent.type() == LEvent::Type::Touch)
if (triggeringEvent.subtype() != LEvent::Subtype::Down)
if (!activeOutput)
const LTouchDownEvent &touchDownEvent { static_cast<const LTouchDownEvent&>(triggeringEvent) };
LTouchPoint *touchPoint { seat()->touch()->findTouchPoint(touchDownEvent.id()) };
if (!touchPoint)
if (touchPoint->surface() != surface())
const LPoint initDragPoint { LTouch::toGlobal(activeOutput, touchPoint->pos()) };
resizeSession().start(triggeringEvent, edge, initDragPoint);
else if (seat()->pointer()->focus()
&& (surface()->hasPointerFocus()
|| (seat()->pointer()->focus()->subsurface() && seat()->pointer()->focus()->isSubchildOf(surface()))))
resizeSession().start(triggeringEvent, edge, cursor()->pos());
bool start(const LEvent &triggeringEvent, LBitset< LEdge > edge, const LPoint &initDragPoint)
Start the resizing session.
Definition: LToplevelResizeSession.cpp:108
LToplevelResizeSession & resizeSession() const noexcept
Utility for handling interactive resizing sessions.
Definition: LToplevelRole.h:730
virtual void startResizeRequest(const LEvent &triggeringEvent, LBitset< LEdge > edge)
Client request to initiate an interactive resize session.

◆ activateRequest()

virtual void activateRequest ( )

Request to activate.

Triggered by a an LActivationTokenManager::token() or requesterController() expecting the compositor to configure the toplevel with the Activated state.

See also
configureState(), requesterController() and LForeignToplevelController.
The compositor is free to ignore this request.

Default Implementation

/* This request is always triggered by a foreign client or
* by the default implementation of LActivationTokenManager::activateSurfaceRequest() */
virtual void activateRequest()
Request to activate.

◆ setMaximizedRequest()

virtual void setMaximizedRequest ( )

Request to maximize.

Triggered by the client or a requesterController() expecting the compositor to configure the toplevel with the Maximized state. See configureState().

This event is only triggered if the MaximizeCap is set. See configureCapabilities().
The compositor is free to ignore this request.

Default Implementation

LOutput *output { cursor()->output() };
if (!output || maximized())
if (!fullscreen())
prevRect = LRect(surface()->pos(), windowGeometry().size());
const LSize extraGeoSize {
if (prevRect.area() == 0)
prevRect.setSize(output->availableGeometry().size() - extraGeoSize);
prevRect.setPos(output->pos() + output->availableGeometry().pos());
configureSize(output->availableGeometry().size() - extraGeoSize);
constexpr T area() const noexcept
The multiplication of the third and fourth component (width*height)
Definition: LRect.h:67
constexpr void setPos(const LPointTemplate< T > &p) noexcept
Asigns the (x,y) components.
Definition: LRect.h:164
constexpr void setSize(const LPointTemplate< T > &p) noexcept
Asigns the (w,h) components.
Definition: LRect.h:167
virtual void setMaximizedRequest()
Request to maximize.
Int32 top
The top margin.
Definition: LMargins.h:14
Int32 left
The left margin.
Definition: LMargins.h:13
Int32 bottom
The bottom margin.
Definition: LMargins.h:16
Int32 right
The right margin.
Definition: LMargins.h:15
LRectTemplate< Int32 > LRect
4D vector of 32 bits integers
Definition: LNamespaces.h:259

◆ unsetMaximizedRequest()

virtual void unsetMaximizedRequest ( )

Request to unmaximize.

Triggered by the client or a requesterController() expecting the compositor to configure the toplevel without the Maximized state. See configureState().

This event is only triggered if the MaximizeCap is set. See configureCapabilities().
The compositor is free to ignore this request.

Default implementation

if (!maximized())
constexpr const LPointTemplate< T > & size() const noexcept
2D vector given by the (w,h) components of the rectangle
Definition: LRect.h:131
virtual void unsetMaximizedRequest()
Request to unmaximize.

◆ setFullscreenRequest()

virtual void setFullscreenRequest ( LOutput destOutput)

Request to set fullscreen mode.

Triggered by the client or a requesterController() expecting the compositor to configure the toplevel with the Fullscreen state. See configureState().

This event is only triggered if the FullscreenCap is set. See configureCapabilities().
The compositor is free to ignore this request.
destOutputOutput on which the client wishes to display the toplevel. If nullptr the compositor must choose the output.

Default implementation

void LToplevelRole::setFullscreenRequest(LOutput *preferredOutput)
LOutput *output { preferredOutput != nullptr ? preferredOutput : cursor()->output()};
if (!output || fullscreen())
if (!maximized())
prevRect = LRect(surface()->pos(), windowGeometry().size());
if (prevRect.area() == 0)
prevRect.setSize(output->availableGeometry().size() - LSize(extraGeometry().left + extraGeometry().right, extraGeometry().top + extraGeometry().bottom));
prevRect.setPos(output->pos() + output->availableGeometry().pos());
virtual void setFullscreenRequest(LOutput *destOutput)
Request to set fullscreen mode.

◆ unsetFullscreenRequest()

virtual void unsetFullscreenRequest ( )

Request to unset fullscreen mode.

Triggered by the client or a requesterController() expecting the compositor to configure the toplevel without the Fullscreen state. See configureState().

This event is only triggered if the FullscreenCap is set. See configureCapabilities().
The compositor is free to ignore this request.

Default implementation

if (!fullscreen())
virtual void unsetFullscreenRequest()
Request to unset fullscreen mode.

◆ setMinimizedRequest()

virtual void setMinimizedRequest ( )

Minimize request.

Triggered by the client or a requesterController() expecting the compositor to minimize the toplevel window.

See also
LSurface::setMinimized(), requesterController() and LForeignToplevelController.
This event is only triggered if the MinimizeCap is set. See configureCapabilities().
The compositor is free to ignore this request.

Default implementation

if (surface()->hasPointerFocus())
if (surface()->hasKeyboardFocus())
void setFocus(LSurface *surface)
Set keyboard focus.
Definition: LKeyboard.cpp:274
void setFocus(LSurface *surface, const LPoint &localPos) noexcept
Sets the pointer focus.
Definition: LPointer.cpp:47
LKeyboard * keyboard() const noexcept
Access to keyboard events.
Definition: LSeat.h:146
LPointer * pointer() const noexcept
Access to pointer events.
Definition: LSeat.h:136
const std::vector< LToplevelMoveSession * >::const_iterator stop()
Stops the move session.
Definition: LToplevelMoveSession.cpp:72
const std::vector< LToplevelResizeSession * >::const_iterator stop()
Stops the resizing session.
Definition: LToplevelResizeSession.cpp:143
virtual void setMinimizedRequest()
Minimize request.

◆ unsetMinimizedRequest()

virtual void unsetMinimizedRequest ( )

Unminimize request.

Triggered by a requesterController() expecting the compositor to unminimize the toplevel window.

See also
LSurface::setMinimized(), requesterController() and LForeignToplevelController.
This event is only triggered if the MinimizeCap is set. See configureCapabilities().
The compositor is free to ignore this request.

Default implementation

/* This request is always triggered by a foreign client */
virtual void unsetMinimizedRequest()
Unminimize request.

◆ closeRequest()

virtual void closeRequest ( )

Close request.

Triggered by a requesterController() expecting the compositor to close() the toplevel window.

See also
close(), requesterController() and LForeignToplevelController.
The compositor is free to ignore this request.

Default implementation

/* This request is always triggered by a foreign client */
void close() noexcept
Closes the toplevel.
Definition: LToplevelRole.cpp:560
virtual void closeRequest()
Close request.

◆ foreignControllerFilter()

virtual bool foreignControllerFilter ( Protocols::ForeignToplevelManagement::GForeignToplevelManager *  manager)

Foreign toplevel controller filter.

This method allows you to filter which foreign clients can control this toplevel. See LForeignToplevelController for more details.

If accepted, a new LForeignToplevelController object will be added to the foreignControllers() vector.

managerThe GForeignToplevelManager resource requesting to control the toplevel.
true to allow the foreign client to control the toplevel, false to deny it.

Default implementation

bool LToplevelRole::foreignControllerFilter(Protocols::ForeignToplevelManagement::GForeignToplevelManager *manager)
/* Allow all foreign clients to control the toplevel */
return true;
virtual bool foreignControllerFilter(Protocols::ForeignToplevelManagement::GForeignToplevelManager *manager)
Foreign toplevel controller filter.

◆ foreignHandleFilter()

virtual bool foreignHandleFilter ( Protocols::ForeignToplevelList::GForeignToplevelList *  foreignList)

Filter for foreign toplevel handle requests.

This method allows you to control which foreign clients can obtain a handle for this toplevel.

The handle enables clients to identify other clients' toplevels and, in conjunction with other protocols, perform operations such as selecting which toplevel to capture using protocols like Image Copy Capture.

If accepted, a new ForeignToplevelList::RForeignToplevelHandle object will be added to the foreignHandles() vector.
Alternatively, you can disable the protocol for specific clients using LCompositor::globalsFilter().

This interface is related to the Foreign Toplevel List protocol. Do not confuse it with the Wlr Foreign Toplevel Management protocol (see foreignControllerFilter()).

This protocol can be tested with clients like lswt.

foreignListThe GForeignToplevelList resource requesting to get a handle.
true to allow the foreign client to obtain a handle for this toplevel, false to deny it.

Default implementation

bool LToplevelRole::foreignHandleFilter(Protocols::ForeignToplevelList::GForeignToplevelList *foreignList)
/* Allow all clients to get a handle for this toplevel */
return true;
virtual bool foreignHandleFilter(Protocols::ForeignToplevelList::GForeignToplevelList *foreignList)
Filter for foreign toplevel handle requests.

◆ showWindowMenuRequest()

virtual void showWindowMenuRequest ( const LEvent triggeringEvent,
Int32  x,
Int32  y 

Show window menu request.

Triggered by the client expecting the compositor to display a popup menu with options for minimizing, maximizing and/or turning the toplevel into fullscreen mode.

This event is only triggered if the WindowMenuCap is set. See configureCapabilities().
The compositor is free to ignore this request.

Default Implementation

void LToplevelRole::showWindowMenuRequest(const LEvent &triggeringEvent, Int32 x, Int32 y)
/* Here the compositor should render a context menu showing
* the minimize, maximize and fullscreen options */
virtual void showWindowMenuRequest(const LEvent &triggeringEvent, Int32 x, Int32 y)
Show window menu request.
int32_t Int32
32 bits signed integer
Definition: LNamespaces.h:214

◆ titleChanged()

virtual void titleChanged ( )

Notifies a change in the title string.

See also

Default Implementation

/* No default implementation */
virtual void titleChanged()
Notifies a change in the title string.

◆ appIdChanged()

virtual void appIdChanged ( )

Notifies a change in the App ID string.

See also

Default Implementation

/* No default implementation */
virtual void appIdChanged()
Notifies a change in the App ID string.

◆ preferredDecorationModeChanged()

virtual void preferredDecorationModeChanged ( )

Notifies the client has changed its preferred decoration mode.

See also

Default Implementation

/* No default implementation */
virtual void preferredDecorationModeChanged()
Notifies the client has changed its preferred decoration mode.

Member Data Documentation

◆ prevRect

LRect prevRect

Auxiliary previous rect.

This auxiliary rect is used by the default implementation to save the position and size of the toplevel window before it is maximized or switched to fullscreen, allowing it to be restored later.