Base class for events.
#include <LEvent.h>
| ~LEvent () noexcept=default |
| Destructor.
Type | type () const noexcept |
| Retrieves the type of the event.
Subtype | subtype () const noexcept |
| Retrieves the subtype of the event.
void | setSerial (UInt32 serial) noexcept |
| Sets the serial of the event.
UInt32 | serial () const noexcept |
| Retrieves the serial of the event.
void | setMs (UInt32 ms) noexcept |
| Sets the time the event was generated in milliseconds.
UInt32 | ms () const noexcept |
| Retrieves the time the event was generated in milliseconds.
void | setUs (UInt32 us) noexcept |
| Sets the time the event was generated in microseconds.
UInt64 | us () const noexcept |
| Retrieves the time the event was generated in microseconds.
LEvent * | copy () const noexcept |
| Creates a deep copy of the event.
◆ Type
Defines the type of event.
Enumerator |
Pointer | Pointer event type.
Keyboard | Keyboard event type.
Touch | Touch event type.
◆ Subtype
Defines the subtype of event.
Enumerator |
Enter | Enter event subtype.
Leave | Leave event subtype.
Up | Up event subtype.
Down | Down event subtype.
Move | Move event subtype.
Button | Button event subtype.
Key | Key event subtype.
Modifiers | Modifiers event subtype.
Scroll | Scroll event subtype.
Frame | Frame event subtype.
Cancel | Cancel event subtype.
SwipeBegin | SwipeBegin event subtype.
SwipeUpdate | SwipeUpdate event subtype.
SwipeEnd | SwipeEnd event subtype.
PinchBegin | PinchBegin event subtype.
PinchUpdate | PinchUpdate event subtype.
PinchEnd | PinchEnd event subtype.
HoldBegin | HoldBegin event subtype.
HoldEnd | HoldEnd event subtype.
◆ ~LEvent()
◆ type()
Retrieves the type of the event.
◆ subtype()
Retrieves the subtype of the event.
◆ setSerial()
void setSerial |
( |
UInt32 |
serial | ) |
inlinenoexcept |
Sets the serial of the event.
◆ serial()
Retrieves the serial of the event.
◆ setMs()
Sets the time the event was generated in milliseconds.
◆ ms()
Retrieves the time the event was generated in milliseconds.
◆ setUs()
Sets the time the event was generated in microseconds.
◆ us()
Retrieves the time the event was generated in microseconds.
◆ copy()
Creates a deep copy of the event.
- Returns
- A pointer to the copied event.
- Note
- The returned event must be deleted when no longer used.