SRM  v0.11.0-1
Simple Rendering Manager
Here is a list of all modules:
 SRMBufferOpenGL texture shared across GPUs
 SRMConnectorDisplay with associated rendering capabilities and modes
 SRMConnectorModeResolution and refresh rate configuration for a connector
 SRMCoreCore functionality of SRM
 SRMCrtcCathode Ray Tube Controllers (CRTCs)
 SRMDeviceRepresentation of an open DRM device, typically a GPU
 SRMEGLUtility EGL functions
 SRMEncoderConnector encoder in a DRM context
 SRMFormatBuffer formats and conversions
 SRMListModule for managing linked lists
 SRMListenerModule for managing event listeners
 SRMLogModule for logging and debugging information
 SRMPlaneDRM plane associated with a DRM device
 SRMTypesSRM data types