SRM v0.12.0-1
Simple Rendering Manager
No Matches

Display with associated rendering capabilities and modes. More...

Detailed Description

Display with associated rendering capabilities and modes.

An SRMConnector represents a screen where content is displayed, such as a laptop display, an HDMI monitor, and more.


Each connector has its own dedicated rendering thread, which triggers common OpenGL events like initializeGL(), paintGL(), resizeGL() through an SRMConnectorInterface. You can initialize a connector using the srmConnectorInitialize() method.


Connectors usually support multiple display modes (SRMConnectorMode), which define their refresh rate and resolution.
These modes can be enumerated using srmConnectorGetModes() and selected using srmConnectorSetMode().


 Bitmask of flags in an fb presentation. More...
 Enumeration of connector states. More...
 Enumeration of connector subpixel layouts. More...
 Content type hint. More...


void srmConnectorSetUserData (SRMConnector *connector, void *userData)
 Sets the connector user data.
void * srmConnectorGetUserData (SRMConnector *connector)
 Retrieves the connector user data.
SRMDevicesrmConnectorGetDevice (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the device this connector belongs to.
SRMDevicesrmConnectorGetRendererDevice (SRMConnector *connector)
 Retrieve the renderer device associated with the connector.
UInt32 srmConnectorGetID (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the DRM connector ID.
SRM_CONNECTOR_STATE srmConnectorGetState (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the current state of the connector.
UInt8 srmConnectorIsConnected (SRMConnector *connector)
 Check if the connector is connected.
UInt32 srmConnectorGetmmWidth (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the physical width of the connector in millimeters.
UInt32 srmConnectorGetmmHeight (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the physical height of the connector in millimeters.
UInt32 srmConnectorGetType (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the DRM type of the connector.
const char * srmConnectorGetName (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the name of the connector.
const char * srmConnectorGetManufacturer (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the manufacturer of the connected display.
const char * srmConnectorGetModel (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the model of the connected display.
const char * srmConnectorGetSerial (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the serial number of the connected display.
SRMListsrmConnectorGetEncoders (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get a list of available connector encoders.
SRMListsrmConnectorGetModes (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get a list of available connector modes.
UInt8 srmConnectorHasHardwareCursor (SRMConnector *connector)
 Check if there is an available cursor plane for hardware cursor compositing.
UInt8 srmConnectorSetCursor (SRMConnector *connector, UInt8 *pixels)
 Set the pixels of the hardware cursor.
UInt8 srmConnectorSetCursorPos (SRMConnector *connector, Int32 x, Int32 y)
 Set the position of the hardware cursor relative to the connector's top-left origin.
SRMEncodersrmConnectorGetCurrentEncoder (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the currently used encoder for the connector.
SRMCrtcsrmConnectorGetCurrentCrtc (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the currently used CRT controller (CRTC) for the connector.
SRMPlanesrmConnectorGetCurrentPrimaryPlane (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the currently used primary plane for the connector.
SRMPlanesrmConnectorGetCurrentCursorPlane (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the currently used cursor plane for the connector.
SRMConnectorModesrmConnectorGetPreferredMode (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the preferred connector mode.
SRMConnectorModesrmConnectorGetCurrentMode (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the current connector mode.
UInt8 srmConnectorSetMode (SRMConnector *connector, SRMConnectorMode *mode)
 Sets the current mode of the connector.
UInt8 srmConnectorInitialize (SRMConnector *connector, SRMConnectorInterface *interface, void *userData)
 Initializes a connector, creating its rendering thread and invoking initializeGL() once initialized.
UInt8 srmConnectorRepaint (SRMConnector *connector)
 Schedules a new rendering frame.
void srmConnectorUninitialize (SRMConnector *connector)
 Uninitializes the connector.
UInt8 srmConnectorSuspend (SRMConnector *connector)
 Locks the rendering thread until srmConnectorResume() is called.
UInt8 srmConnectorResume (SRMConnector *connector)
 Unlocks the rendering thread if previously locked with srmConnectorSuspend().
UInt32 srmConnectorGetFramebufferID (SRMConnector *connector)
 Retrieves the ID of the currently bound OpenGL framebuffer.
EGLContext srmConnectorGetContext (SRMConnector *connector)
 Retrieves the EGLContext associated with the rendering thread.
UInt32 srmConnectorGetCurrentBufferAge (SRMConnector *connector)
 Retrieves the age of the current buffer.
UInt32 srmConnectorGetCurrentBufferIndex (SRMConnector *connector)
 Returns the current framebuffer index.
UInt32 srmConnectorGetBuffersCount (SRMConnector *connector)
 Returns the number of framebuffers.
SRMBuffersrmConnectorGetBuffer (SRMConnector *connector, UInt32 bufferIndex)
 Returns the buffer of a specific framebuffer index, usable as a texture for rendering.
UInt8 srmConnectorHasBufferDamageSupport (SRMConnector *connector)
 Checks if the connector benefits from providing it damage information generated during the last paintGL() call.
UInt8 srmConnectorSetBufferDamage (SRMConnector *connector, SRMRect *rects, Int32 n)
 Notifies the connector of new damage generated during the last paintGL() call.
UInt8 srmConnectorSetBufferDamageBoxes (SRMConnector *connector, SRMBox *boxes, Int32 n)
 Notifies the connector of new damage generated during the last paintGL() call using boxes.
SRM_CONNECTOR_SUBPIXEL srmConnectorGetSubPixel (SRMConnector *connector)
 Get the subpixel layout associated with a connector.
UInt64 srmConnectorGetGammaSize (SRMConnector *connector)
 Gets the number of elements used to represent each RGB gamma correction curve.
UInt8 srmConnectorSetGamma (SRMConnector *connector, UInt16 *table)
 Sets the gamma correction curves for each RGB component.
UInt8 srmConnectorHasVSyncControlSupport (SRMConnector *connector)
 Checks if the driver supports the ability to turn off vsync.
UInt8 srmConnectorIsVSyncEnabled (SRMConnector *connector)
 Returns the current vsync status.
UInt8 srmConnectorEnableVSync (SRMConnector *connector, UInt8 enabled)
 Enable or disable vsync.
void srmConnectorSetRefreshRateLimit (SRMConnector *connector, Int32 hz)
 Sets the refresh rate limit when vsync is disabled.
Int32 srmConnectorGetRefreshRateLimit (SRMConnector *connector)
 Retrieves the current refresh rate limit when vsync is disabled.
clockid_t srmConnectorGetPresentationClock (SRMConnector *connector)
 Gets the clock ID used for the timestamps returned by srmConnectorGetPresentationTime().
const SRMPresentationTimesrmConnectorGetPresentationTime (SRMConnector *connector)
 Retrieves information about how and when the current framebuffer displayed on the screen was presented.
void srmConnectorSetContentType (SRMConnector *connector, SRM_CONNECTOR_CONTENT_TYPE contentType)
 Sets a hint of the content type being displayed.
SRM_CONNECTOR_CONTENT_TYPE srmConnectorGetContentType (SRMConnector *connector)
 Gets the content type hint.
UInt8 srmConnectorSetCustomScanoutBuffer (SRMConnector *connector, SRMBuffer *buffer)
 Sets a custom scanout buffer for the primary plane.
UInt8 srmConnectorIsNonDesktop (SRMConnector *connector)
 Checks if the connector is not intended for desktop usage.
void srmConnectorSetCurrentBufferLocked (SRMConnector *connector, UInt8 locked)
 Locks the buffer currently being displayed and ignores srmConnectorRepaint() calls.
UInt8 srmConnectorIsCurrentBufferLocked (SRMConnector *connector)
 Retrieves the locked state of the current buffer.

Typedef Documentation

◆ SRMConnector

typedef struct SRMConnectorStruct SRMConnector

Enumeration Type Documentation


Bitmask of flags in an fb presentation.

These flags provide information about how the last framebuffer was presented on a connector display.

See also

Presentation was vsync'd.


Hardware provided the presentation timestamp.


Hardware signaled the start of the presentation.


Enumeration of connector states.


The connector is uninitialized.


The connector is initialized.


The connector is in the process of uninitializing.


The connector is in the process of initializing.


The connector is changing display mode.


Special case when changing mode fails and reverts to its previous mode.


The connector state is changing from initialized to suspended.


The connector is suspended.


The connector state is changing from suspended to initialized.


Enumeration of connector subpixel layouts.

This enumeration defines different subpixel layouts that can be associated with a connector. Subpixels are individual color elements that make up a pixel on a display. Understanding the subpixel layout is crucial for accurate color interpretation and display.


Unknown subpixel layout.


Horizontal subpixel layout with RGB order.

Red, green, and blue subpixels are arranged horizontally.


Horizontal subpixel layout with BGR order.

Blue, green, and red subpixels are arranged horizontally.


Vertical subpixel layout with RGB order.

Red, green, and blue subpixels are arranged vertically.


Vertical subpixel layout with BGR order.

Blue, green, and red subpixels are arranged vertically.


No specific subpixel layout.

The connector does not have a well-defined order for subpixels.


Content type hint.

This hint is utilized by certain hardware displays to adjust settings optimally based on the displayed content. For example, setting the SRM_CONNECTOR_CONTENT_TYPE_GAME hint may prompt the hardware to minimize latency.









Function Documentation

◆ srmConnectorSetUserData()

void srmConnectorSetUserData ( SRMConnector connector,
void *  userData 

Sets the connector user data.

This function sets the user data associated with the given SRMConnector.

This user data is distinct from the one passed in srmConnectorInitialize().
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector whose user data is to be set.
userDataPointer to the user data to be associated with the connector.

◆ srmConnectorGetUserData()

void * srmConnectorGetUserData ( SRMConnector connector)

Retrieves the connector user data.

This function retrieves the user data associated with the given SRMConnector.

This user data is distinct from the one passed in srmConnectorInitialize().
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector from which to retrieve the user data.
Pointer to the user data associated with the connector.

◆ srmConnectorGetDevice()

SRMDevice * srmConnectorGetDevice ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the device this connector belongs to.

This function returns the device to which the connector belongs.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the device.
Pointer to the SRMDevice to which the connector belongs.
The device may not always be the same as the renderer device.

◆ srmConnectorGetRendererDevice()

SRMDevice * srmConnectorGetRendererDevice ( SRMConnector connector)

Retrieve the renderer device associated with the connector.

This function returns the device responsible for rendering operations for the connector.

When the ITSELF rendering mode is used, this device is the same as the one obtained with srmConnectorGetDevice(). However, in the PRIME, DUMB or CPU modes, it differs.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which you want to obtain the renderer device.
Pointer to the SRMDevice responsible for rendering operations for the connector.
Use this device when you need to access the OpenGL texture of a SRMBuffer with srmBufferGetTextureId().

◆ srmConnectorGetID()

UInt32 srmConnectorGetID ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the DRM connector ID.

This function returns the DRM connector ID associated with the connector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the connector ID.
The DRM connector ID of the connector.

◆ srmConnectorGetState()

SRM_CONNECTOR_STATE srmConnectorGetState ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the current state of the connector.

This function returns the current state for the given SRMConnector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the state.
The current rendering state (e.g., initialized, uninitialized, etc).

◆ srmConnectorIsConnected()

UInt8 srmConnectorIsConnected ( SRMConnector connector)

Check if the connector is connected.

This function checks whether the given SRMConnector is connected.

Only connected connectors can be initialized. Calling srmConnectorInitialize() on a disconnected connector has no effect.
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to check for connection.
1 if the connector is connected, 0 otherwise.

◆ srmConnectorGetmmWidth()

UInt32 srmConnectorGetmmWidth ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the physical width of the connector in millimeters.

This function returns the physical width of the connector in millimeters.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the width.
The physical width of the connector in millimeters.

◆ srmConnectorGetmmHeight()

UInt32 srmConnectorGetmmHeight ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the physical height of the connector in millimeters.

This function returns the physical height of the connector in millimeters.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the height.
The physical height of the connector in millimeters.

◆ srmConnectorGetType()

UInt32 srmConnectorGetType ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the DRM type of the connector.

This function returns the DRM type associated with the connector (DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_xx macros defined in drm_mode.h).

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the type.
The DRM type of the connector.

◆ srmConnectorGetName()

const char * srmConnectorGetName ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the name of the connector.

The name is always unique, even across devices but could change after a reboot.

The name of the connector, e.g. HDMI-A-1 or "Unknown" if not available.

◆ srmConnectorGetManufacturer()

const char * srmConnectorGetManufacturer ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the manufacturer of the connected display.

The manufacturer name or "Unknown" if not available.

◆ srmConnectorGetModel()

const char * srmConnectorGetModel ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the model of the connected display.

The model name or "Unknown" if not available.

◆ srmConnectorGetSerial()

const char * srmConnectorGetSerial ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the serial number of the connected display.

The serial number is unique and persistent across reboots.
The serial number of the connected display or NULL if not available.

◆ srmConnectorGetEncoders()

SRMList * srmConnectorGetEncoders ( SRMConnector connector)

Get a list of available connector encoders.

A list of available connector encoders (SRMEncoder).

This function returns a list of available encoders for the given SRMConnector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the encoders.
A list of available connector encoders (SRMEncoder).

◆ srmConnectorGetModes()

SRMList * srmConnectorGetModes ( SRMConnector connector)

Get a list of available connector modes.

This function returns a list of available modes (resolutions and refresh rates) for the given SRMConnector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the modes.
A list of available connector modes (SRMConnectorMode).

◆ srmConnectorHasHardwareCursor()

UInt8 srmConnectorHasHardwareCursor ( SRMConnector connector)

Check if there is an available cursor plane for hardware cursor compositing.

This function checks if there is an available cursor plane for hardware cursor compositing on the given SRMConnector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to check for hardware cursor support.
1 if hardware cursor support is available, 0 otherwise.

◆ srmConnectorSetCursor()

UInt8 srmConnectorSetCursor ( SRMConnector connector,
UInt8 pixels 

Set the pixels of the hardware cursor.

This function sets the pixels of the hardware cursor for the given SRMConnector.

The format of the buffer must be ARGB8888 with a size of 64x64 pixels. Passing NULL as the buffer hides the cursor.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to set the hardware cursor.
pixelsPointer to the ARGB8888 pixel buffer for the cursor image.
1 if the hardware cursor was successfully set, 0 if an error occurred.

◆ srmConnectorSetCursorPos()

UInt8 srmConnectorSetCursorPos ( SRMConnector connector,
Int32  x,
Int32  y 

Set the position of the hardware cursor relative to the connector's top-left origin.

This function sets the position of the hardware cursor relative to the top-left origin of the connector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to set the cursor position.
xThe X-coordinate of the cursor's position.
yThe Y-coordinate of the cursor's position.
1 if the cursor position was successfully set, 0 if an error occurred.

◆ srmConnectorGetCurrentEncoder()

SRMEncoder * srmConnectorGetCurrentEncoder ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the currently used encoder for the connector.

This function returns the currently used SRMEncoder associated with the given SRMConnector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the current encoder.
The currently used SRMEncoder for the connector.

◆ srmConnectorGetCurrentCrtc()

SRMCrtc * srmConnectorGetCurrentCrtc ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the currently used CRT controller (CRTC) for the connector.

This function returns the currently used SRMCrtc associated with the given SRMConnector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the current CRTC.
The currently used SRMCrtc for the connector.

◆ srmConnectorGetCurrentPrimaryPlane()

SRMPlane * srmConnectorGetCurrentPrimaryPlane ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the currently used primary plane for the connector.

This function returns the currently used SRMPlane associated with the primary display plane for the given SRMConnector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the current primary plane.
The currently used SRMPlane for the primary display.

◆ srmConnectorGetCurrentCursorPlane()

SRMPlane * srmConnectorGetCurrentCursorPlane ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the currently used cursor plane for the connector.

This function returns the currently used SRMPlane associated with the cursor display plane for the given SRMConnector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the current cursor plane.
The currently used SRMPlane for the cursor display or NULL if not assigned.

◆ srmConnectorGetPreferredMode()

SRMConnectorMode * srmConnectorGetPreferredMode ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the preferred connector mode.

This function returns the preferred SRMConnectorMode for the given SRMConnector .
This mode typically has the higher resolution and refresh rate.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the preferred mode.
The preferred SRMConnectorMode for the connector.

◆ srmConnectorGetCurrentMode()

SRMConnectorMode * srmConnectorGetCurrentMode ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the current connector mode.

This function returns the current SRMConnectorMode for the given SRMConnector.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the current mode.
The current SRMConnectorMode for the connector.

◆ srmConnectorSetMode()

UInt8 srmConnectorSetMode ( SRMConnector connector,
SRMConnectorMode mode 

Sets the current mode of the connector.

This function sets the current mode of the given SRMConnector. You can use srmConnectorGetModes() to obtain a list of all available modes. If the connector is initialized the resizeGL() event is invoked.

All connector use the srmConnectorGetPreferredMode() by default.
Do not call this function from any of the OpenGL events, as it may result in a deadlock.
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to set the mode.
modePointer to the SRMConnectorMode to set as the current mode.
1 if setting the mode is successful, 0 if an error occurs.

◆ srmConnectorInitialize()

UInt8 srmConnectorInitialize ( SRMConnector connector,
SRMConnectorInterface interface,
void *  userData 

Initializes a connector, creating its rendering thread and invoking initializeGL() once initialized.

This function initializes the given SRMConnector. After initialization, calling srmConnectorRepaint() schedules a new rendering frame, which invokes paintGL() followed by a pageFlipped() event.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to initialize.
interfacePointer to the SRMConnectorInterface struct to handle events.
userDataPointer to user data to be associated with the connector.
1 if initialization is successful, 0 if an error occurs.
Make sure to correctly set up the SRMConnectorInterface to handle all its events, otherwise, it may crash.

◆ srmConnectorRepaint()

UInt8 srmConnectorRepaint ( SRMConnector connector)

Schedules a new rendering frame.

This function schedules a new rendering frame for the given SRMConnector. Calling this method multiple times during the same frame will not invoke paintGL() multiple times, only once. After each paintGL() event, this method must be called again to schedule a new frame.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to schedule a new rendering frame.
1 if scheduling is successful, 0 otherwise.
This function triggers paintGL() and pageFlipped() events in the rendering process.

◆ srmConnectorUninitialize()

void srmConnectorUninitialize ( SRMConnector connector)

Uninitializes the connector.

This function uninitializes the given SRMConnector, eventually calling uninitializeGL() once uninitialized.

Do not call this function from any of the OpenGL events, as it may result in a deadlock.
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to uninitialize.

◆ srmConnectorSuspend()

UInt8 srmConnectorSuspend ( SRMConnector connector)

Locks the rendering thread until srmConnectorResume() is called.

This function locks the rendering thread of the SRMConnector until srmConnectorResume() is called to unlock it.

Do not call this function from any of the OpenGL events, as it may result in a deadlock.
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to suspend.
1 if pausing is successful, 0 if an error occurs.

◆ srmConnectorResume()

UInt8 srmConnectorResume ( SRMConnector connector)

Unlocks the rendering thread if previously locked with srmConnectorSuspend().

This function unlocks the rendering thread of the SRMConnector if it was previously locked with srmConnectorSuspend().

Do not call this function from any of the OpenGL events, as it may result in a deadlock.
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to resume.
1 if resuming is successful, 0 if an error occurs.

◆ srmConnectorGetFramebufferID()

UInt32 srmConnectorGetFramebufferID ( SRMConnector connector)

Retrieves the ID of the currently bound OpenGL framebuffer.

◆ srmConnectorGetContext()

EGLContext srmConnectorGetContext ( SRMConnector connector)

Retrieves the EGLContext associated with the rendering thread.

The EGLContext of the rendering thread, or EGL_NO_CONTEXT if it is uninitialized.

◆ srmConnectorGetCurrentBufferAge()

UInt32 srmConnectorGetCurrentBufferAge ( SRMConnector connector)

Retrieves the age of the current buffer.

This function returns the age of the buffer as specified in the EGL_EXT_buffer_age extension specification.

◆ srmConnectorGetCurrentBufferIndex()

UInt32 srmConnectorGetCurrentBufferIndex ( SRMConnector connector)

Returns the current framebuffer index.

This function returns the index of the current framebuffer where the rendered content is stored during a paintGL() event.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to query for the current framebuffer index.
The current framebuffer index.

◆ srmConnectorGetBuffersCount()

UInt32 srmConnectorGetBuffersCount ( SRMConnector connector)

Returns the number of framebuffers.

This function returns the number of framebuffers available for the given SRMConnector. The count may be 2 or 3, depending on the configuration (double or triple buffering).

The number of framebuffers can be modified by setting the SRM_RENDER_MODE_{ITSELF, PRIME, DUMB, CPU}_FB_COUNT environment variables.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to query for the number of framebuffers.
The number of framebuffers.

◆ srmConnectorGetBuffer()

SRMBuffer * srmConnectorGetBuffer ( SRMConnector connector,
UInt32  bufferIndex 

Returns the buffer of a specific framebuffer index, usable as a texture for rendering.

This function returns the buffer of the specified framebuffer index of the given SRMConnector. This buffer can be used as a texture for rendering, but it may not always be supported. Always check if NULL is returned.

Additionally, note that the buffer may not always be shared among all GPUs. In such cases, calling srmBufferGetTextureID() may return 0.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which to retrieve the framebuffer buffer.
bufferIndexThe index of the framebuffer buffer to retrieve.
A pointer to the SRMBuffer if available, or NULL if not supported.

◆ srmConnectorHasBufferDamageSupport()

UInt8 srmConnectorHasBufferDamageSupport ( SRMConnector connector)

Checks if the connector benefits from providing it damage information generated during the last paintGL() call.

This function checks if the given SRMConnector benefits from receiving damage information generated during the last paintGL() call. Providing this information may improve performance, specifically when using DUMB or CPU render modes, as the connector will only copy the specified rectangles.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to check for buffer damage support.
1 if the connector supports buffer damage notifications, 0 otherwise.

◆ srmConnectorSetBufferDamage()

UInt8 srmConnectorSetBufferDamage ( SRMConnector connector,
SRMRect rects,
Int32  n 

Notifies the connector of new damage generated during the last paintGL() call.

This function notifies the given SRMConnector of new damage areas generated during the last paintGL() call.
Providing this damage information can considerably improve performance when using the DUMB or CPU render modes, as the connector will only copy the specified region. The damage specified is only valid during the current frame and is cleared in the next frame.

Use srmConnectorHasBufferDamageSupport() to determine whether the connector can benefit from providing this information.
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector to notify of buffer damage.
rectsAn array of SRMRect structures representing the damaged area.
nThe number of rectangles in the array. Passing 0 unsets the current damage.
1 if the damage notification is successful, 0 if an error occurs.
It is important to ensure that the coordinates of the rectangles originate from the top-left corner of the framebuffer and do not extend beyond its boundaries to avoid segmentation errors.

◆ srmConnectorSetBufferDamageBoxes()

UInt8 srmConnectorSetBufferDamageBoxes ( SRMConnector connector,
SRMBox boxes,
Int32  n 

Notifies the connector of new damage generated during the last paintGL() call using boxes.

This method is analogous to srmConnectorSetBufferDamage(), but instead of SRMRect, it accepts SRMBox.

See also
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector structure to notify of buffer damage.
boxesAn array of SRMBox structures representing the damaged areas.
nThe number of boxes in the array. Passing 0 unsets the current damage.
Returns 1 if the damage notification is successful, 0 if an error occurs.

◆ srmConnectorGetSubPixel()

SRM_CONNECTOR_SUBPIXEL srmConnectorGetSubPixel ( SRMConnector connector)

Get the subpixel layout associated with a connector.

This function retrieves the subpixel layout associated with a given connector. Subpixels are individual color elements that make up a pixel on a display, and the subpixel layout is crucial for accurate color interpretation and display. The returned value indicates how the red, green, and blue subpixels are arranged in relation to each other.

The returned value is only meaningful when a display is connected. If the subpixel layout is unknown or not applicable, the method may return SRM_CONNECTOR_SUBPIXEL_UNKNOWN or SRM_CONNECTOR_SUBPIXEL_NONE, respectively.
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector for which the subpixel layout is requested.
The subpixel layout associated with the connector.

◆ srmConnectorGetGammaSize()

UInt64 srmConnectorGetGammaSize ( SRMConnector connector)

Gets the number of elements used to represent each RGB gamma correction curve.

This function retrieves the number of elements (N) used to represent each RGB gamma correction curve, where N is the count of UInt16 elements for red, green, and blue curves.

This method should only be called once the connector is assigned a CRTC, meaning after the connector is initialized. If called when uninitialized, it returns 0. If the connector is initialized and this method returns 0, it indicates that the driver does not support gamma correction.
connectorPointer to the SRMConnector.
The number of elements used to represent each RGB gamma correction curve, or 0 if the connector is uninitialized or if the driver does not support gamma correction.

◆ srmConnectorSetGamma()

UInt8 srmConnectorSetGamma ( SRMConnector connector,
UInt16 table 

Sets the gamma correction curves for each RGB component.

This method allows you to set the gamma correction curves for each RGB component. The number of elements for each curve (N) should be obtained using srmConnectorGetGammaSize(). The table array should then have a size of 3 * N * sizeof(UInt16) bytes, with N UInt16 values for red, N for green, and N for blue, in that order. Each value of the curves can represent the full range of UInt16.

This method must only be called after the connector is initialized. If the connector is uninitialized or the driver does not support gamma correction, the function returns 0.

The default gamma curves are linear.

connectorPointer to the SRMConnector.
tablePointer to the array containing RGB curves for gamma correction.
On success, returns 1. On failure (uninitialized connector or no gamma correction support), returns 0.

◆ srmConnectorHasVSyncControlSupport()

UInt8 srmConnectorHasVSyncControlSupport ( SRMConnector connector)

Checks if the driver supports the ability to turn off vsync.

If the return value is 0, it indicates that vsync is always enabled.

Disabling vsync for the atomic API is supported only starting from Linux version 6.8. If you wish to enforce the use of the legacy API, set the SRM_FORCE_LEGACY_API environment variable to 1.
connectorThe SRMConnector instance.
1 if vsync control is supported, 0 otherwise.

◆ srmConnectorIsVSyncEnabled()

UInt8 srmConnectorIsVSyncEnabled ( SRMConnector connector)

Returns the current vsync status.

Returns 1 if vsync is enabled, 0 otherwise. V-Sync is enabled by default.

connectorThe SRMConnector instance.
1 if vsync is enabled, 0 if not.

◆ srmConnectorEnableVSync()

UInt8 srmConnectorEnableVSync ( SRMConnector connector,
UInt8  enabled 

Enable or disable vsync.

Disabling vsync is only allowed if srmConnectorHasVSyncControlSupport() returns 1. VSync is enabled by default.

Disabling vsync for the atomic API is supported only starting from Linux version 6.8. If you wish to enforce the use of the legacy API, set the SRM_FORCE_LEGACY_API environment variable to 1.
connectorThe SRMConnector instance.
enabledSet to 1 to enable vsync, 0 to disable vsync.
1 if the vsync change was successful, 0 otherwise.

◆ srmConnectorSetRefreshRateLimit()

void srmConnectorSetRefreshRateLimit ( SRMConnector connector,
Int32  hz 

Sets the refresh rate limit when vsync is disabled.

This function allows controlling the refresh rate limit when vsync is disabled

connectorA pointer to the SRMConnector instance for which the refresh rate limit is to be set.
hzThe desired refresh rate limit in hertz. If hz is less than 0, the refresh rate limit is disabled. If hz is 0, the maximum refresh rate will be approximately twice the current display mode refresh rate. The default value is 0.
Using a value of 0 (twice the current mode refresh rate) provides a good balance between avoiding unnecessary undisplayed frames and achieving snappier response times.
See also
srmConnectorGetRefreshRateLimit() to retrieve the current refresh rate limit.
Disabling the limit may result in visual artifacts and could potentially impact performance.

◆ srmConnectorGetRefreshRateLimit()

Int32 srmConnectorGetRefreshRateLimit ( SRMConnector connector)

Retrieves the current refresh rate limit when vsync is disabled.

This function allows you to query the refresh rate limit that has been previously set using the srmConnectorSetRefreshRateLimit() function.

connectorA pointer to the SRMConnector instance for which the refresh rate limit is to be retrieved.
The current refresh rate limit in hertz. If the refresh rate limit is disabled, the returned value will be less than 0. If the returned value is 0, means the limit is about twice the current display mode refresh rate.

◆ srmConnectorGetPresentationClock()

clockid_t srmConnectorGetPresentationClock ( SRMConnector connector)

Gets the clock ID used for the timestamps returned by srmConnectorGetPresentationTime().

The clock ID can be either CLOCK_MONOTONIC or CLOCK_REALTIME.

connectorA pointer to the SRMConnector instance.
The clock ID used for timestamps.

◆ srmConnectorGetPresentationTime()

const SRMPresentationTime * srmConnectorGetPresentationTime ( SRMConnector connector)

Retrieves information about how and when the current framebuffer displayed on the screen was presented.

connectorA pointer to the SRMConnector instance.
Pointer to the structure containing presentation time information, see SRMPresentationTime.

◆ srmConnectorSetContentType()

void srmConnectorSetContentType ( SRMConnector connector,

Sets a hint of the content type being displayed.

See also
connectorA pointer to the SRMConnector instance.
contentTypeThe content type hint.

◆ srmConnectorGetContentType()

SRM_CONNECTOR_CONTENT_TYPE srmConnectorGetContentType ( SRMConnector connector)

Gets the content type hint.

See also
connectorA pointer to the SRMConnector instance.

◆ srmConnectorSetCustomScanoutBuffer()

UInt8 srmConnectorSetCustomScanoutBuffer ( SRMConnector connector,
SRMBuffer buffer 

Sets a custom scanout buffer for the primary plane.

This function allows you to set a custom scanout buffer for the primary plane only during a single frame. It must called within a paintGL() event. Calling it outside a paintGL() will result in an error.

If successfully set, the current buffer index is not updated, and no OpenGL rendering operations should be performed within the paintGL() event. If not set again in subsequent frames, the connector's framebuffers are restored, and the current buffer index continues to be updated as usual.

The size of the buffer must match the dimensions of the current connector's mode.

If successfully set, the internal reference counter of the buffer is increased, ensuring it remains scannable for at least the given frame even if it is destroyed.

If SRM_DISABLE_CUSTOM_SCANOUT is set to 1, this function always return 0.
connectorA pointer to the SRMConnector instance.
bufferThe buffer to scan, or NULL to restore the default connector framebuffers.
1 if the custom buffer will be scanned, 0 otherwise.

◆ srmConnectorIsNonDesktop()

UInt8 srmConnectorIsNonDesktop ( SRMConnector connector)

Checks if the connector is not intended for desktop usage.

Some connectors, such as VR headsets, set this property to 1 to indicate they are not meant for desktop use.

1 if not meant for desktop usage, 0 if meant for desktop or if disconnected.

◆ srmConnectorSetCurrentBufferLocked()

void srmConnectorSetCurrentBufferLocked ( SRMConnector connector,
UInt8  locked 

Locks the buffer currently being displayed and ignores srmConnectorRepaint() calls.

When set to 1, no paintGL() or pageFlipped() events are triggered. The default value is 0.

connectorThe SRMConnector instance.
lockedA value of 1 locks the current buffer, 0 unlocks it.

◆ srmConnectorIsCurrentBufferLocked()

UInt8 srmConnectorIsCurrentBufferLocked ( SRMConnector connector)

Retrieves the locked state of the current buffer.

See also
connectorThe SRMConnector instance.
A value of 1 indicates the current buffer is locked, 0 indicates it is unlocked.